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             ... Thailand is an
          agricultural country

          and is known as the
         world's breadbasket.                                       Organic Sangyod rice, native rice from

            Since rice is one of                     farmers in the southern region of Thailand, has
         Thailand’s distinctive                      been  chosen  as the main raw material  for the

         agricultural products,                      production and processing of various products,
            we use it as a raw                       such as “Crispy Brown” cereals of Sangyod rice,
                                                     “Pan Khaw” dried  and crispy  brown rice with
              material for the                       cereals, “Crispy Brown” brown rice bar with cere-
       production of products.                       als, and lipstick made from rice bran oil.

        As the local rice of the
             southern region,                                    Various rice products are processed

          we have chosen and                         and dried by innovation without frying with oil.
                                                     In addition,  they have  low fat,  no cholesterol,
       processed Sangyod rice                        brown sugar, low salt, and no GMO raw materi-

                 into various                        als, additives and preservatives. These products
                   products.                         are processed by innovative extruders. It can be
                                                     said that they support local products, use quality
                                                     raw materials, and pay attention to every step of
    Mr. Cheewanun Cheesapcharoen                     production in order to get the best quality and
                     Manager                         standardized products for consumers.

    SPC Snack Food Co.,Ltd.                                                 +66 7421 2542
                                                                            +669 3492 4564
    61 Kanjanawanit Road, Khorhong,
    Hatyai, Songkhla 90110 Thailand                                         @krispybrownrice
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